Oznaka Ensad Mulaosmanović

Center for Advanced Technologies of Canton Sarajevo: From a mural to a drone

This year, the Center’s budget stands at 4.7 million KM, yet the Assembly of Canton Sarajevo has not reviewed the reports for the past three years. Why did they request exemption from reporting? Moreover, how did the Center transition from being a scientific institution to manufacturing drones, despite the Court’s decision? What are the founders’ opinions? 

Centar za napredne tehnologije KS: Od murala do drona

Ove godine budžet Centra je 4,7 miliona KM, a Skupština KS nije razmatrala izvještaje za posljednje tri godine. Zašto su tražili da ih se izuzme od izvještavanja? Kako je Centar od naučne institucije počeo praviti dronove, unatoč odluci Suda? Šta kažu osnivači?