Iz Strukovnog sindikata medicinskih sestara i tehničara Republike Srpske su, nakon što su bolnicu “Srbija” napustila dva doktora i šest medicinskih radnika i tehničara, apelovali da je “hitno potrebno djelovati kako bi se spriječio dalji odliv kvalifikovanog medicinskog kadra”. Međutim, nadležno ministarstvo nema rješenje, dok se Grad Istočno Sarajevo zadužuje da bi gradio Park velikana srpskog zdravstva u krugu bolnice. Više od pola miliona za gradonačelnikove prijatelje.

Following the departure of two doctors and six medical workers and technicians from the “Srbija” hospital, the Trade Union of Medical Nurses and Technicians of Republika Srpska appealed for “urgent action to prevent further outflow of qualified medical staff”. However, the relevant ministry has no solution, while the City of Istočno Sarajevo is borrowing money to build a Park of Serbian Healthcare Giants within the hospital compound. Over half a million for the mayor’s friends.

After we have published the text on non-transparent spending of budget funds, conflict of interest and good cooperation between the authorities and a private company during the construction of the Memorial complex to the fallen Serb civilians, the mayor of the City of Istočno Sarajevo, Ljubiša Ćosić, held a press conference where he spoke about the importance of building monuments and the culture of remembrance without denying a single fact from our text.

How the authorities in the City of Istočno Sarajevo treat the fallen Serb civilians is best shown by the fact that the deadline for the completion of the memorial complex was missed, and the City, in order to eliminate the competition, transferred the money to the Municipal Veterans’ Organization, which chose a company close to the authorities as the contractor. The works are supervised by the brother of the president of the veterans’ organization. Nobody cares about whether the construction of the memorial complex will destroy the park.

Kako se nadležni u Gradu Istočno Sarajevo odnose prema stradalim srpskim civilima najbolje pokazuje to da je rok za završetak memorijalnog kompleksa probijen, a iz Grada su, da bi eliminisali konkurenciju, novac prebacili Opštinskoj boračkoj organizaciji koja je za izvođača radova izabrala firmu blisku vlastima. Nadzor nad radovima vrši brat predsjednika boračke organizacije. O tome da li će izgradnjom spomen- kompleksa biti uništen park niko ne brine.