According to Valter from several well-known editorial sources, one of them from within the SDP itself, Čengić's closeness to Ajdin Brković, the owner of "MonteizeAD," a company for telephone sales of teas, has been confirmed. All our sources indicate that Brković sponsored Čengić with a substantial amount of money. In return, Brković was promised a large piece of land in Barice for the construction of a hotel complex, which is a private interest, leaving Sarajevans without their recreational area
Valteru iz više izvora poznatih redakciji, od kojih je jedan iz samog SDP-a, potvrđena Čengićeva bliskost sa Ajdinom Brkovićem, vlasnikom „MonteizeAD“, kompanije za telefonsku prodaju čajeva. Svi naši izvori navode da je Brković Čengića sponzorirao s ozbiljnim novcem. Zauzvrat, Brkoviću je obećan poveliki komad zemlje na Baricama za izgradnju hotelskog kompleksa koji su privatni interes, a čime bi Sarajlije ostale bez svog izletišta
The construction project of Block 7 has been on hold for 17 years, during which only preparatory work has been carried out at the planned site. This investment has cost the citizens 233 million KM so far, and the new Government of FBiH and the relevant ministry have no answer to whether this project will continue. It remains to be seen whether the SDP Minister of Energy, Mining, and Industry shares the views on dealing with the Chinese, like his party colleague Grabovica, under whose tenure EP BiH signed a cooperation agreement.
Projekt izgradnje Termobloka 7 čak 17 godina je na čekanju, a tokom tog perioda izvršeni su samo pripremni radovi na mjestu planiranom za izgradnju Bloka 7. Ova investicija dosad je građane koštala 233 miliona KM, a nova Vlada FBiH i nadležno ministarstvo nemaju odgovora na pitanje da li će se nastaviti ovaj projekt. Da li SDP-ov ministar energetike, rudarstva i industrije dijeli stavove o poslovanju s Kinezima kao njegov stranački kolega Grabovica u čijem mandatu je EP BiH potpisala ugovor o saradnji, ostaje da se vidi.