Oznaka Elektroprivreda BIH

All our lost arbitrations: Will anyone be held accountable for hundreds of millions of lost disputes?

According to estimates, Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently facing one billion convertible marks in costs related to disputes lost before international arbitration courts. Elektroprivreda RS, Oil terminals  Ploče, Elektroprivreda BiH - these are just some of the energy companies whose millions in lost arbitration awards will be paid or have already been paid by the citizens of this country.

Sve naše izgubljene arbitraže: Hoće li iko odgovarati za stotine miliona KM izgubljenih u sporovima?

Prema procjenama Bosna i Hercegovina u ovom trenutku suočava se s milijardu konvertibilnih maraka troškova vezanih za izgubljene sporove izgubljene pred međunarodnim arbitražnim sudovima. Elektroprivreda RS-a, Naftni terminali Ploče, Elektroprivreda BiH – samo su neke su od energetskih kompanija čije će izgubljene milionske presude platiti ili su već platili građani ove države.

Gospodar sunca, vjetra i rijeka: Zelena energija Edhema Bičakčića

Koristeći političke konekcije kao i autoritet jedne od ključnih pozicija unutar Islamske zajednice, Edhem Bičakčić pozicionirao se kao ključni faktor u razvoju bh. energetike. Nažalost, benefite njegovog djelovanja u ovom sektoru osjetili su isključivo investitori i privatne kompanije bespovratno uništavajući sve prirodne resurse Bosne i Hercegovine.

All of our blocks: Who will answer for millions of losses of Elektroprivreda BiH?

The unclear development strategy of Elektroprivreda BiH, a series of corruption scandals and the absence of political courage in the context of the Block 7 construction, a generational project crucial for the stability of the electricity supply to the citizens of FBiH, are all the factors that called into question the market position of this state-owned enterprise, which today, according to estimates, has a loss of over 80 million convertible marks.

Svi naši blokovi: Ko će odgovarati za milionske gubitke Elektroprivrede BiH?

Nejasna strategija razvoja Elektroprivrede BiH, niz korupcijskih afera te izostanak političke hrabrosti u kontekstu izgradnje Bloka 7, generacijskog projekta ključnog za stabilnost elektroenergetskog snadbijevanja građana FBiH, faktori su koji su doveli u pitanje tržišnu poziciju ove državne kompanije koja danas, prema procjenama, akumulira gubitak preko 80 miliona konvertibilnih maraka.

Almir Muhamedbegović: Energetika u BiH funkcioniše po principima partikratije i kriminogenih interesa

O razlozima zbog kojih Bosna i Hercegovina nema svoju energetsku politiku, konsekvencama stranačkog upravljanja ključnim kompanijama unutar elektroenergetskog sistema, nikad završenim istragama za korupciju ali i budućnosti energetskog sektora u našoj državi razgovarali smo sa ekspertom iz ove oblasti - Almirom Muhamedbegovićem.

From the SDP to Block 7: New Government Leadership of the FBiH Without Answers to Questions About the Largest Chinese Project in FBiH

The construction project of Block 7 has been on hold for 17 years, during which only preparatory work has been carried out at the planned site. This investment has cost the citizens 233 million KM so far, and the new Government of FBiH and the relevant ministry have no answer to whether this project will continue. It remains to be seen whether the SDP Minister of Energy, Mining, and Industry shares the views on dealing with the Chinese, like his party colleague Grabovica, under whose tenure EP BiH signed a cooperation agreement.

A multi-million dollar project without a future: Block 7 slowed down the energy transition process of EP BiH

The construction project of Thermoblock 7 has been pending for 17 years. Persistent insistence on the construction of Thermoblock 7 Tuzla through a credit arrangement with Chinese financiers has not only slowed down the processes of energy transition, but also threatened the monopolistic position of Elektroprivreda BiH, the largest state-owned energy company.