Kategorija English

Unequal Treatment of Trebinje Pensioners

For years, there has been a disproportionate allocation of funds from the City of Trebinje's budget to two pensioner associations. The official Association of Pensioners (UP) of the City of Trebinje will receive 12,000 KM from the city budget for this year, through three projects.

“Eco Heating Plants”: Citizens Pay a High Price for Poor Heating, Millions to Private Owners from the City Budget

Banja Luka's "Eco Heating Plants" Ltd, a company that is mostly privately owned, has received at least 7 million KM in subsidies from the city of Banja Luka over the past two years. Experts claim that for less than half of that money, the city could have become the majority owner of the company. Meanwhile, the company's ownership structure is changing without any consultation with the city. For instance, "IEE Technology", as the majority private owner, has transferred part of its share to its "daughter company".

Even from Extreme Right-Wingers: Desperate Borrowing by the Government of RS

Powerless due to the shutdown of funding sources in the global market, the Government of Republika Srpska, whose numerous members are under sanctions, including the President of RS and the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has sought salvation in borrowing, specifically in loans from the extremely right-wing and conservative Saudi Arabia and its Development Fund, which will lend us money for major infrastructure and energy projects.

Ivovik Wind Farm: Favouring the Chinese Investor, Electricity Produced in BiH Will Be Exported, Without Paying Grid Fees

The electricity generated in the Ivovik wind farm will not be used by domestic consumers; instead, it will be sold on the foreign market. In this way, Chinese investors will make millions in profit at the expense of Bosnian citizens. From the production of green energy from 20 wind turbines, the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina will only receive minimal amounts from concession fees, while the smell of burnt coal from electricity will continue to be consumed despite declarative increases in the percentage of energy obtained from renewable sources in statistical reports.

Ribnik: “Clearcutting of Forests” – Naked Criminality in “Šume”

Violating the law and other regulations on forest protection, the forestry management "Ribnik" committed a true ecocide of forest resources in the area of this municipality through clearcutting on an area larger than ten hectares. For this job, the company "Šiling" was engaged in a suspicious procedure via public procurement, whose owner is Dušan Barjaktarević, a municipal councillor of the ruling SNSD.

Millions of KM in Court Deposits Disappear Without a Trace

Millions of KM that citizens had to deposit into a bank account at the Bank of Srpska for litigation purposes, which were supposed to be paid out to the beneficiaries after the end of the dispute, have vanished following the bank's collapse. As a result, many citizens have been forced to sue the Republic of Srpska in order to be compensated, waiting for years for their payments.

Commission decides: “Šuma plan” Unrivaled in Foča

The task of developing a forest management plan for private forests in the Municipality of Foča has been awarded to “Šuma plan” by Duško Topić, as previously announced by Direkt. His proposal was deemed “the only acceptable one”.

The miracle of Bosnian forgiveness

The willingness of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina to forgive is difficult to explain, but has been reconfirmed many times. It is the result of the terrible suffering that they were forced to undergo, but also the result of hope that such pain will never again happen to anyone, the wish for reconciliation and lack of vindictiveness in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which manifests itself in numerous and frequently unexpected ways. It proves that these people have not lost their humanity, the only thing that, in addition to one's life, was worth preserving during the war, but also the easiest to lose.

Bowing to Investors – “Handing Over Gacko to a shady company”

The authorities in Gacko are determined to transfer ownership rights of nearly 62 thousand square meters of land, along with the barracks building in Avtovac, to the Republika Srpska ‘ Chinese company "SolarWin", registered in Banja Luka. Despite the company having no employees or business activities, the authorities in Gacko are confident that it will bring new jobs, so they are willing to disregard their own decisions.

A Bosnian grove is timber poachers’ sweet home: The value of illegally cut forest is at least 300 million Convertible Marks 

Non-existence of a Federation Law on Forests, challenges in managing structures of the forestry companies, and favoritism are just some of the extenuating circumstances for frenzied logging on the territory of the Federation of BiH. While the Laws on Forests exist in nine cantons, Herzegovina-Neretva Canton is the only one without the law due to the fear of whose cadre will be recruited to the forestry company.