Oznaka Banja Luka

“Eco Heating Plants”: Citizens Pay a High Price for Poor Heating, Millions to Private Owners from the City Budget

Banja Luka's "Eco Heating Plants" Ltd, a company that is mostly privately owned, has received at least 7 million KM in subsidies from the city of Banja Luka over the past two years. Experts claim that for less than half of that money, the city could have become the majority owner of the company. Meanwhile, the company's ownership structure is changing without any consultation with the city. For instance, "IEE Technology", as the majority private owner, has transferred part of its share to its "daughter company".

“Eko toplane”: Građanima skupo i loše grijanje privatniku milioni iz gradskog budžeta

Banjalučke “Eko toplane”doo, firmi koja je u većinskom privatnom vlasništvu, grad Banjaluka je u protekle dvije godine uplatio najamnje 7 miliona maraka subvencija. Za manje od polovine tog novca, tvrde stručnjaci, grad je mogao postati većinski vlasnik tog preduzeća. U međuvremenu, vlasnička struktura firme se mijenja, a da grad niko i ne pita. Tako je “IEE Technology” kao većinski privatni vlasnik dio svog udjela prenio na svoju “kćerku firmu”.

Escape of Ivica Mišković –a consequence of inappropriate action by the Court police’s management

Escape of Ivica Mišković, convicted of pedophilia, from the Basic Court’s building in Banjaluka was made possible with the improper actions of the managers of the Judicial Police and responsible persons in the judiciary. The information and documents in our possession clearly indicate who is responsible for this event, while the blame is unjustifiably being placed on the three court police officers against whom disciplinary proceedings have been initiated.

„Top sport“ za banjalučki top biznis

„Zaista je lijep osjećaj biti prvi u nečemu što je pozitivno. Morate biti ponosni kada znate da oko vas postoje, ljudi koji su zajedno sa vama, spremni da se suprotstave tim anomalijama koje su iz naše države protjerale stotine hiljada…